Mona History

After more than 22 years since the establishment of Mona , and after acquiring numerous achievements and receiving high honors and accomplishing great success in Iran's power industry , the directors and senior management of Mona feel that they owe their success to the implementation of their company motto:

" Providing best quality and lowest prices in shortest possible time. "

Effective coordination, training and attracting of professional and specialized personnel and putting together a dynamic tam of enthusiastic individuals, in order to consistently raise the quality of services all throughout Iran, has been and will always remain the top priority for Mona.

Mona is pleased with its progress but firmly believes in continuous improvement and hopes that in the future it will prove itself worthy of honors and expect ions of it's clients.

Research and development
The ever changing needs and tastes of our customers ' and the speed of technology progress, and the competition with domestic and foreign companies to attract new clients and also the reduction of new suggestions and ideas within a company forces the management to always expand and improve the existing infrastructure and quality of services, and also be on the leading edge of new innovations in regards to ideas, services and overall quality.
At the present time, this responsibility in the majority of the companies and organizations is appointed to the special task force of research and development.
These responsibilities must be directed in such a way as to insure that the company surpasses others in innovations, manufacturing and supply of new products and services, and more importantly improves the existing line of products and the quality of services, reducing at the same time the overhead and cost basis of both production and services.
Since Mona's activities entail and include the providing of engineering services to the various project managers, thus the main goal of research and development Dep. Is primarily geared towards coming up with new and original ideas and services and improving the quality of the existing ones with maximum use of soft wares in order to satisfy the needs of our clients and project managers.
Since it has been proven that research and study combined with writing and offering essays and professional articles in connection with company's various fields of interest and activity, produces positive results, the management continuously and incessantly encourages and promotes it's mid-level and in particular senior level engineers to actively engage in providing the domestic and international conferences and symposiums with new ideas in form of scientific and technical lectures, essays, or seminars, in order to enhance the company's image and place in providing the best possible service and cutting edge ideas.

Human resources
Mona recognizes that superior engineering services are the by products of intelligent and innovative minds. Thus it believes in hiring and nurturing a team of highly educated individuals who will be the power behind the company's
original ideas and superior service. The current intellectual and academic level of Mona's engineering team reflects this ideal.

Areas of interest and work activity
The company is actively engaged in providing full engineering services ranging form design to actual supervision of construction projects, activation of all transfer line projects, post distribution, distribution systems for towns and villages, design and construction of power plants and their system study and mechanizations

+98 (41) 34772860

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